RESUMOA utilização de resíduos alcalinos da indústria de papel e celulose (DREGS) na agricultura como corretivo de acidez do solo, vem sendo amplamente empregada como alternativa de descarte no solo de forma a reduzir o impacto ambiental. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, determinar a influência da aplicação do dregs, rejeito da indústria de papel e celulose, nos atributos químicos do solo e na lixiviação de compostos fenólicos. As unidades experimentais foram constituídas por colunas de lixiviação preenchidas com solo incorporado com dregs nas doses de 0,0; 2,5; 5,0 e 10,0 g kg -1 . Chemical attributes of soil and leaching of phenolic compounds after addition of alkaline solid residue ABSTRACT The use of alkaline residues from pulp and paper industry (´dregs´) in agriculture as a corrective of soil acidity is being widely used as an alternative of ground disposal in order to reduce the environmental impact. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of application of the 'dregs', waste from pulp and paper industry, in soil chemical properties and leaching of phenolic compounds. The experimental units consisted of leaching columns filled with soil incorporated with 'dregs' at doses of 0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 g kg -1 . Chemical analysis were performed in these soils, a Humic Camibissolo and a Typic Quartzipsamment soils, tests of solubilization of phenolic compounds and leaching tests were also carried out to determine the total content of phenolic compounds present in the leachate. The use of the 'dregs' modified the chemical attributes of the Humic Cambisol and Typic Quartzipsamment. The results obtained in the analysis of the leachate showed that the application of the 'dregs' led to an increase of compounds above the maximum allowed by law, which is 0,01 mg L -1 (ANBR, 2004a) and 0,5 mg L -1 (CONAMA, 2008).