The research of high‐performance composite pressure vessels in practical application has become the focus of attention, and fiber paths play an important role in the structural performance of composite pressure vessels. Therefore, a method is proposed for determining the optimal geometric parameters of the pressure vessel head shape under a novel variable slippage coefficient non‐geodesic(NVSCNG). First, NVSCNG is used as the dome fiber path design mode, and the classical lamination theory is used to construct a dome stress field model. In addition, on the basis of the Tsai‐Wu failure criterion, the minimum laminate thickness is determined to satisfy the strength constraints. Second, the performance factor (pressure*volume/weight) is used to calculate the structural performance of the dome with variable geometric parameters under the novel variable slippage coefficient fiber path. Moreover, the stability constraints are considered to determine the optimal geometric parameter values of the dome. Finally, the structural properties, stress response and thickness were analyzed under two types of fiber paths based on the optimal dome profile. Results show that compared to the conventional variable slippage coefficient, the performance factor can be maximally improved by nearly 60.94% using the novel variable slippage coefficient, and the thickness of the composite layer at the equator of the dome can be maximally reduced by nearly 34.88%. In addition, the research shows that NVSCNG can improve the structural performance of the dome and realize the lightweight of dome components, which are greatly important in guiding the design of fiber paths for pressure vessels.Highlights
No unconstrained linear problem between NVSCNG and initial winding angle.
Optimal dome profile geometry parameters are m = 0.8, rc = 0.5.
The dome structural failure is controlled by the longitudinal stresses.
Winding angle distribution has a strong influence on dome stress distribution.
Higher dimensionless performance factor and lighter mass for NVSCNG.