Leaf spring plays a significant role in the riding comfort of an automobile. Thermoplastic composite materials are replacing many metallic parts in an automobile system. The main objective of the present work is to identify the scope of thermoplastic composite material for leaf spring application. Emphasis is given to understand the effect of reinforced fibre length on the leaf spring performance. In all, 20 per cent discontinuous long and short glass fibre reinforced polypropylene (PP) materials were considered for the development. Prior to the development and evaluation of leaf springs, the influence of reinforced fibre length over leaf spring material behaviour has been investigated. With the increase in reinforced fibre length, crystallinity of the base matrix structure, thermal characteristics, and mechanical behaviour under static and dynamic loading conditions were found to be improved. Mono, discontinuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic leaf spring of varying width is designed and injection molded. A servo-hydraulic fatigue testing facility coupled with linear guide ways is utilized to evaluate the preliminary leaf spring performance parameters, namely load deflection, strain rate sensitivity, hysteresis, and damping behaviour. Preliminary test results on composite leaf spring confirmed that long glass fibre reinforced PP leaf spring is able to carry three times the load for a design deflection than short glass fibre reinforced PP leaf spring. This improved spring rate behaviour results in significant improvement of the energy-absorbing capability. The influence of strain rate over the load deflection behaviour of long fibre reinforced leaf spring is found to be less than that of short fibre reinforced leaf spring. However, the damping behaviour of short glass fibre reinforced leaf spring is found to be superior to that of long glass fibre reinforced leaf springs.