To support the design of ITER ion-cyclotron range of frequency heating system and to mitigate risks of operation in ITER, CEA has initiated an ambitious Research & Development program accompanied by experiments on Tore Supra or test bed facility together with a significant modeling effort. The paper summarizes the recent results in the following area:• Comprehensive characterization of a new Faraday screen concept tested on Tore Supra antenna. RF sheath rectification is now better understood: a new model has been developed and applied to ITER. • Full wave modeling of ITER ICRH heating and current drive scenarios with EVE code. With 20MW of power, a current of ±400kA could be driven on axis in the DT scenario. • First operation of CW test bed facility, TITAN, designed for ITER ICRH components testing and could host up to a quarter of an ITER antenna. • R&D of high permittivity materials to improve load of test facilities to mimic ITER plasma conditions.