Plausible MCA Applications in CatalysisThe Principle Sections of Catalysis are as Follows:2.1. Development of the scientific basis of catalyst preparation. The content of this division/section is determined by its main problem, i.e. development of the methods of preparation of catalysts with the desired properties. These are: specific surface area, porous structure, phase composition, crystallization degree, morphological properties of crystals, defectiveness, dispersion, thermal stability, structural and mechanical properties, component distributions on the supports, etc. To solve the problem, one should investigate the physicochemical regularities which determine the features of synthesis and the action of materials during all stages of the method chosen for the preparation of separate families of similar materials, catalysts in our case 1) .
Development of the scientific basis for prediction of catalytic actionThis section includes the most complicated and important problems, such as: ・ Chemical nature, structure and mechanism of action of active sites during operation on the catalyst surface; ・ Nature and relationships between the main and side reactions of catalytically active sites, the means and methods of influencing the above in order to increase selectivity towards the desired product;