Among the possible CP-odd couplings of the axion to ordinary matter, the most relevant ones for phenomenology are the Yukawa couplings to nucleons. We analyze such non-derivative couplings within three complementary approaches: standard effective field theory, the Skyrme model and holographic QCD. In all the cases, the couplings can be related to the CP-odd non-derivative couplings to nucleons of the low-lying mesons and the η . Using the effective field theory approach we derive the expressions for the CP-odd interaction terms as functions of the parameters of the effective Lagrangian. Then, we compute the CP-odd couplings to nucleons of the axion, the η and the pseudo-Goldstone mesons in both the Skyrme and the holographic QCD model with N f = 2, 3 flavors. We relate the coefficients of the non-derivative axion-nucleon couplings to those of the derivative ones. The relations do not explicitly depend on model parameters. This allows us to provide quantitative estimates of these couplings. D. CP violating η -pion-pion coupling 56 E. Alternative numerical estimates of the couplings 57
Introduction and resultsThe Peccei-Quinn proposal [1] for a natural solution of the strong CP problem -the unnaturally small value of the QCD θ angle -implies the existence of a new light neutral pseudoscalar boson, the axion [2, 3]. The original theory, severely constrained by data, was not renormalizable because of the axion coupling to the QCD instanton density [4,5]. In renormalizable axion models, successively proposed in [6,7,8], the axions were also made very weakly interacting with ordinary matter, as required by experimental constraints. These "invisible axions", whose couplings to matter have been deduced using anomalies and the chiral Lagrangian [9]- [14], are nowadays considered among the most promising candidates as dark matter constituents, and also as possible realizations of the inflaton [15]- [20]. As of today, axion-like particles (ALPs) are ubiquitous and serve various purposes. The nomenclature has also evolved but still remains sometimes murky. Axions that solve the strong CP problem are typically called QCD axions. The term "axionlike particle" is often used to refer (only) to other types of axions.Generically, axions display a perturbative shift symmetry and couple to instanton densities. In any reliable quantum field theory (QFT) realization, the symmetry is broken (at best) to a discrete symmetry due to non-perturbative effects. Such effects, related to instantons in weakly-coupled models, induce a mass and, more generally, a potential term, for the QCD axion (see e.g. [13]).ALPs arise very commonly in string theory [21], the simplest example being the Ramond-Ramond (RR) axion of type IIB string theory. They can also arise, after compactification, from internal components of antisymmetric form gauge fields as well as from off-diagonal components of the metric. In these cases, ALPs are related to generalized gauge fields [22,23]. The corresponding gauge symmetries provide the perturbative Peccei-Quinn (PQ) sym...