A new approach to irregular eutectic growth (faceted/nonfaceted crystallization) in Fe-C and Al-Si alloys has been presented in this article. The results of unidirectional crystallization of the irregular eutectic in the Fe-C, Al-Si, and Al-Fe systems were used for the experimental verification of the resulting model. For the oriented graphite, a(Al)-Si and a(Al)-Al 3 Fe eutectics, a decrease of the interlamellar spacing l and in protrusion d b of the nonfaceted phase (austenite, a(Al)) by the leading faceted phase (graphite, silicon, and Al 3 Fe), the increase of growth rate v was observed. The MagninKurz theory of irregular eutectic growth has been modified in order to better understand the physical mechanisms driving the crystallization process. A comparison of the measured and calculated average l values has revealed good agreement for the (g)Fe-graphite, a(Al)-Si, and a(Al)-Al 3 Fe eutectics. The developed model also considered the influence of the material constants of the examined alloys on the interlamellar spacing and protrusion of the leading phase-graphite, silicon, and Al 3 Fe. It has been found that material constants such as the wetting angle, diffusion coefficient, and GibbsThomson coefficient are of great importance in this eutectic growth.