Proteins of the virion tegument of alphaherpesviruses are involved in protein-protein interactions, which play important roles in virus morphogenesis. Seven single-gene deletion mutants of Pseudorabies virus were analysed for alterations in the overall composition of the virion beyond the loss of the targeted protein. The UL36 protein (pUL36) was present in equal amounts in wild-type virions and mutants lacking pUL21, pUL49, pUL51, pUS3 or pUS8. Virions lacking pUL11 or pUL16 incorporated less full-length pUL36 than wild-type particles, but contained increased amounts of an N-terminal fragment of pUL36 that is present only in traces in wild-type virus and the other mutants.Homologues of the large tegument protein encoded by the UL36 open reading frame of herpes simplex virus (HSV) are present in all members of the Herpesviridae analysed so far. They constitute the largest herpesviral gene products and are proposed to be part of the capsid-proximal inner tegument, a structure that resides between nucleocapsid and envelope. Pseudorabies virus (PrV) pUL36 is a 3084 aa protein that is strictly essential for virus replication . PrV pUL36 function is important for virion morphogenesis in the cytoplasm after nuclear egress. pUL36 interacts with pUL37, another conserved tegument protein (Klupp et al., 2002). However, removal of the N-terminally located pUL37-binding domain does not result in a complete loss of function of pUL36, indicating that the essential requirement for this protein is due to additional, still unknown, functions . Recently, a deubiquitinating proteolytic activity was demonstrated to reside in the very N terminus of herpesvirus pUL36 homologues (Kattenhorn et al., 2005). Thus, both hitherto assigned functional regions of pUL36 reside in the Nterminal part of the protein. It has been shown in a previous study that PrV particles devoid of the tegument proteins pUS3, pUL47 and pUL49 or pUS8 (the envelope glycoprotein E) incorporated the same amounts of several tegument proteins like pUL36, pUL37 and pUL47 as wild-type virions (Michael et al., 2006). This stoichiometric incorporation suggests that, like assembly of the capsid, the architecture of the tegument might, in part, be strictly controlled. On the other hand, amounts of other tegument proteins like pUL46, pUL48 and pUL49 varied to some extent among the different mutants, indicating also some degree of flexibility in tegument composition. The suggested interaction of pUL36 with pentonal sites on the capsid (Zhou et al., 1999), which are devoid of the small capsid protein pUL35 that decorates hexons, may partly explain this strict stoichiometry.In a study to analyse single-protein-deleted PrV mutants for alterations in the composition of the virion beyond the loss of the deleted protein, structural proteins in virus particles were quantified by a procedure designated 'stable isotope labelling by amino acids in cell culture' (SILAC) developed by Ong et al. (2002), which was adapted for virions by our group (Michael et al., 2006). Virus particles fro...