To clarify the magnetic properties of cluster-glass states in Sr 1−x La x RuO 3 (0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.5), we report herein the results of muon spin relaxation (µSR) and neutron powder diffraction measurements. The µSR experiments showed that magnetic clusters start developing well above the peak temperature T * in the ac susceptibility. The volume fraction of the magnetically ordered region increases continuously with decreasing temperature, showing no anomaly at T * , and reaches nearly 100% at the lowest temperature. The temperature variation of the volume fraction is essentially independent of the La concentration in the x range presently investigated, although the dc magnetization is significantly suppressed with increasing x. Neutron powder diffraction experiments revealed that the ground state for x = 0.3 is a long-range ferromagnetic ordered state. These results indicate that, with decreasing temperature, cluster-glass states in Sr 1−x La x RuO 3 gradually develop into long-range ferromagnetic ordered states with decreasing temperature, and that the magnetic ordering process differs strikingly from that expected for a conventional second-order ferromagnetic transition.
IntroductionIn general, the 4d orbitals in 4d transition-metal oxides are more delocalized than the 3d orbitals in 3d transition-metal oxides; therefore, a conventional band picture is considered a suitable starting point for understanding such 4d electronic states. However, 4d transition-metal oxides exhibit a variety of intriguing electronic properties, such as quantum criticality, 1, 2) non-Fermi liquid behavior, 3) and unconventional superconductivity.4) These intriguing electronic properties imply that the correlation effect of 4d electrons is important, and that the electronic states are not trivial.Although 4d transition-metal oxides rarely show magnetic ordering, SrRuO 3 exhibits ferromagnetic order below T C = 160 K, and the ordered moment is approximately 1.1 µ B .