(NBT), BaTiO 3 (BTO), and K 0.5 Bi 0.5 TiO 3 (KBT) are known but all have inferior properties to PZT. [ 2,3,5 ] Bi 3+ has a 6s 2 confi guration with crystal chemistry similar to that of Pb 2+ , and bismuthbased perovskites are attractive as they can offer high Curie and depolarization temperatures required for demanding application environments. [ 5,6 ] [ 9 ] which can be converted into a long-range polarization along this direction by the introduction of LaFeO 3 (LFO) which itself has antiferrodistortive [110] p displacements, although this orthorhombic O [110] The perovskite oxide lead zirconate titanate (PbZr 1− x Ti x O 3 ) (PZT) has extraordinary electromechanical properties at the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), [ 1 ] making modifi ed PZT ceramics the basis for almost all actuators, sensors and related applications in use today. The MPB in the PZT solid solution occurs near x ≈ 0.48 [ 1 ] between the ferroelectric rhombohedral ( R 3 m , denoted as R [111] ) and tetragonal ( P 4 mm , denoted as T [001] ) phases, with polarizations lying along the [111] p body diagonal and [001] p edge of the primitive ≈ 4 Å ABO 3 perovskite unit cell, respectively. [1][2][3] The PZT phases are untilted and the R [111] and T [001] structures are described crystallographically, using a modifi ed Glazer notation, as a a a + , respectively, where the subscript indicates ferroelectric displacement and the superscript the nature of the octahedral tilting with respect to the primitive unit cell axes. [ 4 ] It is challenging to create an MPB in a bismuth-based lead-free system as it has proved diffi cult to prepare phases with polarization directed along the [001] p primitive cell edge in such materials. Several Pb-free MPB systems based on K 0.5 Na 0.5 NbO 3 , Na 0.5 Bi 0.5 TiO 3