Yearly production contributions of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) are gradually increased since a number of oil reservoirs in the world are matured due to the production. Different methods have been applied to the various oil elds through continuous technology development. Thermal EOR such as steam injection to recover viscous oil has been a large contributor for a long period. While, many efforts have been devoted to apply chemical EOR to increase oil recovery, which might bring more ef cient development with optimized chemical materials for the speci c target eld. Energy transition requires environmentally friendly EOR even under current lower oil price circumstances. Gas EOR, particularly CO 2 -EOR is one of promising technologies to increase the recovery factor and also to store anthropogenic CO 2 to mitigate climate change. The paper reviews the trend and prospects of different EOR, mainly focuses on (1) CO 2 -EOR and CCS, (2) recent advancement of chemical EOR, (3) Low Salinity Water Flooding (LSWF) as a new cost ef cient approach. In addition, advances of nanoparticle-based EOR are brie y described.
Keywords:Enhanced Oil Recover y (EOR) , CO 2 -EOR, CCS, CCUS, Chemical EOR, Low Salinity Water Flooding (LSWF) , Nanoparticle-based EOR, Energy Transition * 令和 2 年 10 月 28 日 令和 2 年度石油技術協会学術大会開発・生 産部門シンポジウム「石油増進回収(EOR)の未来-多様性と持 続性,実証ステージへの展開-」で講演 This paper was presented at the 2020 JAPT Development and Production Technology Symposium entitled "The Future of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) -Development to the demonstration of diversity and sustainable EOR techniques" held in Online, Japan, October 28, 2020.