“…Other interesting papers include very up‐to‐date review on ECG characteristics in patients with heart failure and normal ejection fraction from UK (Nikolaidou et al, ) and comprehensive review paper on heart rate variability during endurance exercise from Germany (Gronwald & Hoos, ). Original papers worth attention include study on the association between metabolic syndrome and QRT angle from the United States, (Delhey, Jin, Thapa, & Delongchamp, ) paper on the association between morphology of left descendent coronary artery and ECG in ST‐elevation myocardial infarction from Japan (Fujii, Hasegawa, Nakamura, & Ikari, ), study on temporal changes of noninvasive electrocardiographic risk factors for sudden cardiac death (Xenogiannis et al ), and a paper on compound and heterozygous KCNQ1 mutations in LQTS from China ( Lin et al ).…”