The geometry of a thin sheet metal vane terminating near a wall in a surface tension propellant management device (PMD) is common in devices designed by various people. A research program into the capillary fluid physics of the common vane-wall gap began in 1998 with the arrival of the second author at the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University. Drop tower experiments, Surface Evolver computations, and analysis were combined to explore the details of the fluid behavior in the vane-wall gap geometry. Results of four vane-wall gap experiment topics: critical wetting, advance rates, sensitivity to vane orientation, and effect of imperfect initial conditions, are discussed here. This work led to a desire by Weislogel to incorporate this type of geometry into his "Capillary Fluids Experiment" (CFE) that operated flawlessly on the International Space Station in 2006 and 2007. It is found that the wetting of vanewall gaps is predicted correctly through use of the critical wetting analysis of Concus and Finn. Furthermore, the dynamics of the wetting flows are found to have scaling of flow rates versus time similar to those known for capillary advances in solid corners. In some