The proverb "Out of sight, out of mind" cannot find a better analogy than roots of higher plants. Historically, plant roots have been systematically ignored by scientists (Eshel & Beeckman, 2013). Perhaps it is very difficult to change perception, especially because the stalwarts of natural sciences chose to overlook the importance of plant roots. It is obvious that our very existence and the environment in which we live depend on plant roots and over a 100 years ago, Charles Darwin compared it to "the brain of one of the lower animals" in his book titled "The Power of Movement in Plants" published in 1897 (Darwin & Darwin, 2022). However, decades of apathy by the scientific community have led to a perception that roots are somewhat simple and relatively passive absorptive organs of plants that are unimportant and not worth studying. This perception trickles down to students, researchers, universities, institutions, and funding agencies who might not see any financial gains or career prospects involving root biology and allowed them to remain grounded deep in mystery.However, development in technology in the past decade have allowed scientists to investigate roots in greater details and the results show that roots are extremely plastic, dynamic, complex, and "intelligent" organs that associate with microbes, forms a belowground network, sequester nutrients and water for plants, and have much greater investment in plant health and environment than previously realized