. These data provide evidence that the zinc ion plays an important catalytic role in FTase, most likely by activation of the cysteine thiol of the protein substrate for nucleophilic attack on the isoprenoid.Protein farnesyltransferase (FTase) 1 catalyzes the transfer of the farnesyl group of farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) to a conserved cysteine residue of a protein substrate, including Ras proteins, nuclear lamins, and several proteins involved in cell signaling (1-4). Protein farnesylation mediates membrane association and, possibly, interactions with other proteins essential for the localization and function of these proteins (3, 4). One example in this regard is the requirement of farnesylation for the cell transforming ability of oncogenic Ras proteins (5); this result has stimulated an intense search for FTase inhibitors as potential anticancer drugs (6, 7). An increased understanding of the molecular mechanism of FTase should enhance the rational design of such FTase inhibitors.FTase is a metalloenzyme that contains one zinc ion per ␣/ heterodimer that is essential for optimal activity (8, 9). Crosslinking and direct binding studies indicate that the zinc ion is required for the binding of protein but not isoprenoid substrates (8). Additionally, FTase containing Cd 2ϩ substituted for Zn 2ϩ has essentially normal catalytic activity, demonstrating that other metal ions can functionally substitute for the zinc (10). Chemical modification and site-directed mutagenesis studies have identified a conserved cysteine residue of FTase, Cys 299 , in the  subunit, as important for catalytic activity and zinc binding, suggesting that the thiolate of this residue may directly coordinate the zinc ion (11).Although it is clear that the zinc ion in FTase is critical for activity, the precise function of the metal, particularly the question of whether the primary role of the zinc ion is structural or catalytic, is not yet known. Proposed catalytic functions for the zinc ion in FTase include increasing the nucleophilicity of the cysteine residue of the protein substrate (3,8,11,12) and/or activating the diphosphate leaving group (11,13,14). Here we investigate the metal coordination polyhedron in FTase by substituting Co 2ϩ for Zn 2ϩ , which does not change the catalytic activity of the enzyme. This substitution provides a useful spectroscopic probe of the composition and geometric arrangement of the ligands around the metal ion (15,16), and the spectral data obtained indicate that the metal ion coordinates the thiolate of the peptide substrate in the presence of bound FPP.
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESPreparation of Apo-FTase-Recombinant Rat FTase was produced and purified as described (9). Apo-FTase was prepared by dialyzing the holo-enzyme (Ͼ1 mg/ml) for 24 h against 50 mM Tris-Cl, pH 7.8, 1 mM tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP) (Buffer 1) and 5 mM EDTA at 4°C followed by an additional 24 h dialysis against Buffer 1 containing 50 M EDTA. After dialysis, the apo-FTase was concentrated to ϳ100 M, flash-frozen, ...