RESUMOEste artigo apresenta um recorte da pesquisa intitulada "Os movimentos da docência superior: especificidades nas diferentes áreas de conhecimento e sua influência na atuação docente", desenvolvida pelo (2005,2006, 2008, 2010 e 2011). Os resultados evidenciaram que a articulação do conhecimento específico e acadêmico na prática pedagógica dos professores de ensino superior na área da saúde é atravessada pelos movimentos construtivos dos docentes, os quais estão relacionados com as trajetórias pessoal e profissional de cada sujeito, permeada pela especificidade da formação na área da saúde.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE:conhecimento específico, desenvolvimento docente, docência superior.
JOINT SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND ACADEMIC AS THRUSTER QUALITY TEACHING DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACTThis article presents part of a study entitled "The movements of the college teaching: specificities in different areas of knowledge and its influence on teaching practice", developed by the Research Group Trajectories Training, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) / RS, which aims to investigate the effects of specific areas of knowledge of university teaching in college education teachers from a public -public IEs, approved by CNPq scholarship on the PQ. In this work we present a partial analysis of the data collected with nine teachers at Center of Health Sciences University said earlier, from the analysis of one of the guiding principles of research, which aims to analyze how teachers understand the investigated concepts and academic expertise and how they relate or are articulated in practice. Was used as the methodological assumptions qualitative approach of narrative proposed by Connelly and Clandinin (1995), Bolivar, Domingo and Fernández (2001and 2004. The data analysis was grounded in the theoretical framework proposed by Isaia and Bolzan and Maciel (2005, 2006, 2010. The results showed that the combination of academic expertise and pedagogical practice of teachers of college education in the health field is crossed by constructive movements of teachers, which are related to personal and professional trajectories of each subject, permeated by the specificity of training in healthcare.