This research with the aim of scrutinizing fundamental notions of mapping hypothesis tries to investigate the comprehension of diverse complex syntactic structures in four age, education and gender matched Persian-speaking Broca’s patients and eight matched healthy controls via conducting two tasks of syntactic comprehension and grammaticality judgment in which subjects’ comprehension of diverse complex structures were put into scrutiny. The structures being tested included subject –agentive, agentive passive, object experience, subject experience, subject cleft and object cleft constructions. Our results, while corroborating the predictions of mapping hypothesis, showed that in structures in which linguistic elements were substituted and dislocated out of their canonical syntactic positions, namely, agentive passive, subject- experiencer, object -experiencer and object- cleft constructions, Broca’s problems escalated. In contrast, in those structures whose constituent concatenations were aligned with canonical syntactic structures, namely subject agentive and cleft structures, patients had above chance performance. Ultimately, theoretical and clinical implications of the study were discussed