In connection with the wear and tear of a large number of buildings and structures, the volume of work on the technical inspection of building structures is constantly increasing. The need to carry out such work arises in cases of elimination ofdefects made during design, manufacture and installation; in the process of eliminating the consequences of emergency situations; as a result of natural disasters (earthquakes, fires, explosions, subsidence, floods, etc.); reconstruction and modernization of buildings, evaluation of the physical and moral value of structural elements, nodes and details; making decisions about repair, trengthening and restoration of structures; determination of the value of fixed assets during privatization; execution of a secured bank loan; technical certification of buildings and structures.Inspection of buildings and engineering structures is the most important part of the complex of works on evaluating the technical condition of structures and the building as a whole. During the survey, the actual bearing capacity and operabilityof building structures and foundations should be established in order to use these data to determine their further operation or development of the reconstruction project. At the same time, they perform a search for optimal options for a constructive and planning solution, ways of possible strengthening of load-bearing structures taking into account manufacturability, ensuring a minimum of labor costs, material resources and time for their implementation.Evaluation of the degree of wear and tear of building structures or engineering structures is performed, as a rule, during their technical inspection, as well as for making economic (revaluation, terms of sale, insurance, etc.) decisions.Buildings and structures, regardless of their class of consequences (responsibility), are subject to physical and moral wear and tear.The necessity to find effective methods forstrengthening the future constructions is spontaneously scientifically advanced to induce rational models of the future deforming.