Designing chiral AIEgensw ithouta ggregation-induced emission (AIE)-active molecules externally tagged to the chiral scaffold remains al ong-standing challenge for the scientific community.T he inherenta ggregation-caused quenching phenomenon associated with the axially chiral (R)-[1,1'-binaphthalene]-2,2'-diol ((R)-BINOL)s caffold, together with its marginal Stokes shift, limits its applicationa sa chiral AIE-active material. Here, in our effort to designc hiral luminogens, we have developed ad esign strategy in which 2-substitutedf urans, when appropriately fused with the BINOLs caffold,w ill generates olid-state emissive materials with high thermala nd photostability as well as colour-tunable properties. The excellent biocompatibility,t ogetherw ith the high fluorescenceq uantum yield and large Stokes shift, of one of the luminogens stimulated us to investigate its cell-imaging potential. Thel uminogen was observedt ob e well internalised and uniformlyd ispersed within the cytoplasm of MDA-MB-231 cancer cells,s howingh ighf luorescence intensity.