DOI: 10.1002/pssb.202200050
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Comprehensive Law‐of‐Approach‐to‐Saturation for the Determination of Magnetic Anisotropy in Soft Magnetic Materials

Abstract: Magnetocrystalline anisotropy is a crucial parameter that determines the suitability of magnetic material in a wide range of emerging applications. The law‐of‐approach‐to‐saturation (LAS), utilized to obtain the magnetocrystalline anisotropy from hysteresis loops, is not satisfactory for materials with cubic anisotropy as they are two orders higher than the bulk value. Herein, a modified formulation to LAS is presented, where the reduction in effective magnetic anisotropy (K) values due to Fe oxide phases in F… Show more

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Cited by 12 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 103 publications
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“…Size-reduced Fe particles synthesized through vicinal polyol of average size 50 nm are shown to exhibit an Fe core and γ-Fe 2 O 3 shell with saturation magnetization greater than 150 Am 2 kg −1 . 38 However, particles synthesized in tPG have an average size of 50 nm without core–shell morphology and show a M s of 75 Am 2 kg −1 , similar to that obtained for chemically synthesized ferrite nanoparticles. 44 This suggests that the particles produced in tPG are Fe 3 O 4 , confirmed from XPS results, and are not oxidized Fe due to size effects.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 68%
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“…Size-reduced Fe particles synthesized through vicinal polyol of average size 50 nm are shown to exhibit an Fe core and γ-Fe 2 O 3 shell with saturation magnetization greater than 150 Am 2 kg −1 . 38 However, particles synthesized in tPG have an average size of 50 nm without core–shell morphology and show a M s of 75 Am 2 kg −1 , similar to that obtained for chemically synthesized ferrite nanoparticles. 44 This suggests that the particles produced in tPG are Fe 3 O 4 , confirmed from XPS results, and are not oxidized Fe due to size effects.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 68%
“…44 This suggests that the particles produced in tPG are Fe 3 O 4 , confirmed from XPS results, and are not oxidized Fe due to size effects. 19 The minor fraction of Fe in terminal polyols 38 along with a major oxide phase is rather a fortuitous occurrence and therefore the saturation magnetization has not exceeded 90 Am 2 kg À1 . 20 Under the present experimental conditions, no trace of Fe was observed in the particles synthesized through tPG.…”
Section: Phase and Morphological Analysis Of The End Productsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The remnant magnetization of the X2 nanoparticles is 66.62 emu/g. Effective magnetic anisotropy and saturation magnetization of the nanoparticles were determined using the law of approach to saturation method with a high magnetic field [ 28 ]. The fitting was calculated in the field range in which all the magnetic spins are oriented in the direction of the magnetic field.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Where the curve is based on a series of fractions H 1/n . It exists in various adoptions in different studies [245][246][247][248], both based on analytical approaches and on phenomenological approaches. The model is based on a simplified series expansion near the saturation M s [249,250], based on the material anisotropy and rotation of magnetic moments towards alignment with the applied field.…”
Section: Law Of Approach To Saturationmentioning
confidence: 99%