Hard-switching losses in three-level T-type (3LTT) bridge-legs cannot be directly estimated from datasheet energy loss curves, which are given for symmetric two-level half-bridge configurations only. The commutations in a 3LTT bridge-leg occur between semiconductors with different blocking voltages and/or current ratings, and involve a third semiconductor device in the switching transition, which contributes additional capacitive losses. This paper, therefore, describes a simplifed approach to estimate a lower bound for the hard-switching losses of 3LTT bridge-legs (note that the approach is applicable to other three-level topolgies as well). In view of the very fast switching speeds of wide-bandgap semiconductors, the model neglects voltage/current overlap losses and considers only the dominating charge-related loss contributions (semiconductor output capacitances, body diode reverse-recovery charge), thus requiring minimal information from datasheets. A direct experimental verification with an 800 V DC-link 3LTT bridge-leg (1200 V and 650 V SiC MOSFETs) operating with output currents up to 25 A confirms the good accuracy of the simplified switching-loss model.