Traffic light detection (TLD) is a vital part of both intelligent vehicles and driving assistance systems (DAS). General for most TLDs is that they are evaluated on small and private datasets making it hard to determine the exact performance of a given method. In this paper we apply the state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system You Only Look Once, (YOLO) on the public LISA Traffic Light dataset available through the VIVA-challenge, which contain a high number of annotated traffic lights, captured in varying light and weather conditions. The YOLO object detector achieves an AUC of impressively 90.49 % for daysequence1, which is an improvement of 50.32 % compared to the latest ACF entry in the VIVAchallenge. Using the exact same training configuration as the ACF detector, the YOLO detector reaches an AUC of 58.3 %, which is in an increase of 18.13 %.