Introduction: Isolated Partial Heel pad injuries are very rare and management of heel pad injury is always a challenge to a surgeon because of its complex structure and precious blood supply. The goal of management is to preserve a viable heel pad for weight-bearing during normal gait. Case Report: A 46-year-old male sustained a right heel pad avulsion following motorcycle bike ac-cident. Examination showed contaminated wound, viable heel pad, and no bony injury. Within 6 h of trauma, we reattached partial heel pad avulsion using multiple Kirschner wires without wound closure and daily dressings. Full weight bearing started on 12th post-operative week. Conclusion: A partial heel pad avulsion can be managed using multiple Kirschner wire which is cost-effective and simple method. Partial-thickness avulsion injury has a better prognosis as com-pared to full-thickness heel pad avulsion injury, due to preserved periosteal blood supply.