Images are everywhere. Whether on a social media page, a doctor's desk to aid diagnosis or a scientist's computer screen to help study a chemical, physical or biological process, the modern world is awash with digital images.All images are produced by acquiring measurements using a physical device. The list of different acquisition devices is long and varied. It includes simple devices found in most homes, such as digital cameras; specialist medical imaging equipment found in hospitals, such as a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) scanner; or scientific devices, such as electron microscopes, found in laboratories.The concern of this book is the task of image reconstruction. This is the algorithmic process of converting the raw data (the measurements) into the final image seen by the end user. The overarching aim of image reconstruction is to achieve the four following, and competing, objectives:Objective #1 (accuracy): to produce the highest-quality images.Accuracy is of course paramount. High-quality images are desirable in virtually all applications. However, in direct competition with this is:Objective #2 (sampling): to use as few measurements as possible.Acquiring more measurements usually comes at a cost. It could mean an additional outlay of time, power, monetary expense or risk, depending on the application at hand. Reducing the number of measurements is often the primary goal of image reconstruction. For example, in MRI, taking more measurements involves a longer scan time, which can be unpleasant and challenging for the patient -especially in paediatric MRI. It also makes the measurements acquired more susceptible to corruptions due, for instance, to patient motion. In X-ray CT, the number of measurements loosely corresponds to the amount of radiation to which the patient is exposed. Acquiring fewer measurements per scan opens the door for more frequent scans, which in turn allows for more effective treatment monitoring.Objective #3 (stability): to ensure that errors in the measurements or in the numerical computation do not significantly impact the quality of the recovered image.All imaging systems introduce error in the measurements, due to noise, corruptions or modelling assumptions. There are also round-off errors in the numerical computations performed by image reconstruction algorithms. It is vital that reconstruction algorithmsIn Fourier imaging the (noiseless) measurements y ∈ C m correspond to samplesis an important example of Fourier imaging. Key Point #10. Current deep learning strategies for compressive imaging are prone to instabilities, with certain small perturbations in the measurements leading to severe image artefacts. This arises because of the training procedure, which can cause the resulting network to over-perform. 1.7.4 Stable and Accurate Neural Networks for Compressive Imaging This situation is rather unsatisfactory. While neural networks have produced stunning results in various imaging tasks, their use in compressive imaging appears hampered 1.10...