We investigate universal thermodynamics and quantum criticality of spin-1 bosons with strongly repulsive density-density and antiferromagnetic spin-exchange interactions in a one-dimensional harmonic trap. From the equation of state, we find that a partially-polarized core is surrounded by two wings composed of either spin-singlet pairs or a fully spin-aligned Tonks-Girardeau gas depending on the polarization. We describe how the scaling behaviour of density profiles can reveal the universal nature of quantum criticality and map out the quantum phase diagram. We further show that at quantum criticality the dynamical critical exponent z = 2 and correlation length exponent ν = 1/2. This reveals a subtle resemblance to the physics of the spin-1/2 attractive Fermi gas.PACS numbers: 03.75. Ss, 03.75.Hh, 02.30.Ik, 05.30.Fk Alkali bosons with hyperfine spins in an optical trap provide exciting opportunities to simulate a variety of macroscopic quantum phenomena. In the spinor gas, the spin-dipolar collisions significantly change the spin states producing rich Zeeman effects. In particular, spinor Bose gases with density-density interaction and antiferromagnetic spin-exchange interaction [1, 2] exhibit various phases of strongly correlated quantum liquids and are thus particularly valuable to study quantum magnetism and criticality. The experimental study of quantum criticality and universal scaling behaviour has recently been initiated in low-dimensional cold atomic matter [3,4]. These advances build on theoretical schemes for mapping out quantum criticality in cold atom systems [5][6][7]. In this framework, exactly solved models of cold atoms, exhibiting quantum phase transitions, provide a rigorous way to investigate quantum criticality [8].One-dimensional (1D) spinor Bose gases with shortrange delta-function interaction and antiferromagnetic spin-exchange interaction are particularly interesting due to the existence of various phases of quantum liquids associated with exact Bethe ansatz solutions [9][10][11][12]. The antiferromagnetic interaction leads to an effective attraction in the spin-singlet channel that gives rise to a quasicondensate of singlet bosonic pairs when the external field is less than a lower critical field at zero temperature. In this phase, the low energy physics can be characterized by a spin-charge separation theory of the U (1) Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) describing the charge sector and a O(3) non-linear sigma model describing the spin sector [10]. However, if the external field exceeds an upper critical field, we have a solely ferromagnetic quasi-condensate of unpaired bosons with spins aligned along the external field. For an intermediate magnetic field, the spin-singlet pairs and spin-aligned bosons form a two-component TLL with a magnetization, see Fig. 1.Quantum critical phenomena in the spin-1 Bose gas associated with phase transitions at zero temperature can 2 ) = 0.05. The lines R1 and R2 denote the phase boundaries of vanishing density of singlet-pairs and vanishing density o...