<p>Severe forms of chronic venous insufficiency and lymphedema require strong compression-pressure, which exceeds the pressure exerted by medical compression stockings (>40 mmHg). The aim was to investigate if patients are able to apply a Velcro-band compression device (Circaid Juxta Lite™) themselves with sufficient pressure. Thirty-one patients (CEAP C6=23, C5=5, C3=2, mixed ulcer=1) applied Juxta Lite™ on their own legs after a short instruction and were asked to readjust the pressure by their subjective feeling. Sub- bandage pressure was measured after application and 24 h later. In 30 patients without arterial occlusive disease the median sub- bandage pressure values on day 1 and day 2 were 44,5 mmHg (IQR 42-48), and 46 mmHg (IQR 44-48,25) respectively. One patient with an arterialvenous leg ulcer showed pressures of 34 and 36 mmHg. All measured pressure values corresponded to the pursued target range, demonstrating that adequate self application of Velcro bands is feasible and that patents can maintain this pressure by re-adjustment.</p><p><em>Source: this paper is an abridged translation of Mosti G, Partsch H. Druckmessungen unter Klettverschluss-Kompression - Selbstbehandlung durch feste, unelastische Beinwickelung. Vasomed 2017;5:212-6.</em></p>