DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-26543-w
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Compromised microvascular oxygen delivery increases brain tissue vulnerability with age

Abstract: Despite the possible role of impaired cerebral tissue oxygenation in age-related cognition decline, much is still unknown about the changes in brain tissue pO2 with age. Using a detailed investigation of the age-related changes in cerebral tissue oxygenation in the barrel cortex of healthy, awake aged mice, we demonstrate decreased arteriolar and tissue pO2 with age. These changes are exacerbated after middle-age. We further uncovered evidence of the presence of hypoxic micro-pockets in the cortex of awake old… Show more

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Cited by 90 publications
(174 citation statements)
References 96 publications
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“…Stoppages in the capillary network were all- or-none and highly heterogeneous, and may have even more severe metabolic consequences on local scales. Tissue oxygenation drops off exponentially over distances of tens of microns from the capillaries and pre-capillary arterioles (65, 66), an effect normally countered by dense branching within the capillary network that places most neurons within 15 μm of a vessel (67). However, the widespread and prolonged stoppages caused by injury may substantially increase this distance and create localized pockets of metabolic starvation.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Stoppages in the capillary network were all- or-none and highly heterogeneous, and may have even more severe metabolic consequences on local scales. Tissue oxygenation drops off exponentially over distances of tens of microns from the capillaries and pre-capillary arterioles (65, 66), an effect normally countered by dense branching within the capillary network that places most neurons within 15 μm of a vessel (67). However, the widespread and prolonged stoppages caused by injury may substantially increase this distance and create localized pockets of metabolic starvation.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…By expanding our previous observations under physiological conditions (17), we see that the capillary RBC flow is extremely irregular and intermittent in the ischemic penumbra, with cells repeatedly getting stuck and released in the microcirculation. We already know that within brain tissue, capillary flow velocities are very different from each other, plasma and red blood cells are differentially partitioned at bifurcations (58), causing a spatial heterogeneity which can lower oxygen extraction efficiency (16,(59)(60)(61)(62). Simulations have revealed that the flow kinetics and partitioning in the tight lumen of capillaries are dominated by complex physical cell-cell interactions and rheological parameters which are influenced by temporal events affecting the incidental cell distributions (58).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Nocturnal hypoxia was associated with a poor prognosis for cardiovascular events [9], and patients with ischemic stroke have a high risk of obstructive sleep apnea, with lowest overnight SpO 2 values < 80% in more than half of observed patients [10]. Furthermore, in the clinical setting of HD therapy, cognitive impairment is common in patients undergoing HD and the pathogenesis of cognitive impairment would be associated with hemodynamic factors including changes in BP or anemia [11]. In particular, both intradialytic hypotension and anemia reportedly induced the deterioration of cerebral oxygenation [12,13].…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%