This paper deals with 2D modelisation of an annular induction MHD pump using finite volume method in cylindrical coordinates taking into account the saturation of the ferromagnetic material. The different characteristics such as the distributions of the vector potential, magnetic induction, current density and the electromagnetic force are presented. Index Terms--Annular channel, induction pump, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), saturation of the ferromagnetic material, Maxwell equations, finite volume method.
I. NOMENCLATUREA ur : Magnetic vector potential [Tm], B ur : Magnetic induction [T], D uu r : Electric flux density [A/m 2 ], E ur : Electric field [V/m], J ur : Electric conduction current density [A/m 2 ], ( ex in J J J = + ur uuur uuu r ) in J uuur : Induced current density [A/m 2 ], ex J uuur : Electrical current density source density [A/m 2 ], H uur : Magnetic field [A/m 2 ], Ï : Electric conductivity [(âŠm) -1 ], ” : Permeability magnetic [H/m], Ï : Components of the velocity.
II. INTRODUCTIONLinear induction machines use a sliding magnetic field wave created by polyphase currents. The most well known device working on this principle is the Linear Induction Motor (LIM) such as developed for ground transportation. There is also another type of linear inductor whose application belongs to the field of MagnetoHydroDynamics(MHD); e.g. the electromagnetic pumps used for liquid metals such as the cooling sodium of fast breeder reactors or cast iron for metallurgical applications [1], [2], [3].The interaction of moving conducting fluids with electric and magnetic fields provides for a rich variety of phenomena associated with electro-fluid-mechanical energy conversion. The advantage of these pumps which ensure the energy transformation is the absence of moving parts [4].The pumping of liquid metal may use an electromagnetic device, which induces currents in the metal. These induced currents and their associated magnetic field generate the Lorentz force whose effect can be ensure the pumping of the liquid metal [5], [6].The goal of this work is the study of the 2D electromagnetic phenomena in a MHD pump by the finite volume method in harmonic mode. Different characteristics of the MHD pump (vector potential, magnetic induction, currents density and the electromagnetic force) are given.
III. DESCRIPTION OF INDUCTION MHD PUMPThe electromagnetic pump for a liquid metal is considered. A schematic view of the pump is shown in fig.1.The liquid metal flows along a channel with a cylindrical geometry of annular cross section. A ferromagnetic core is placed on the inner and the outer side of the channel [2].The principle of fonctionnement of the MHD pump ( Fig.1) is similar to that of the asynchronous motor; the alimentation of the inductor creates a magnetic field B r sliding with the velocity of synchronism, where electric currents are induced in the liquid metal by means of a magnetic field, producing an electromagnetic force B J ⧠with the instantaneous field ensuring the flows of the fluid, [7].The currents of the windi...