E x p e r im e n ta l an d N u m e r ic a l S tu d y o f a H y d ro g en P e r o x id e / H y d ro x y l T erm in a ted P o ly b u ta d ie n e H y b rid R o c k e t by E rin Far b a r, B . E n g . A thesis subm itted to th e Faculty of G rad u ate Studies and Research in p a rtial fulfillment of th e requirem ents for the degree of M a s te r o f A p p lie d S c ie n c e O ttaw a-C arleton In stitu te for M echanical and Aerospace Engineering D epartm ent of M echanical and Aerospace Engineering C a r le to n U n iv e r s ity O ttaw a, O ntario, C anada Novem ber 25, 2005Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
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