Article:Bollada, PC and Phillips, TN (2012)
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On the Mathematical Modelling of a Compressible Viscoelastic FluidThe fundamental principles associated with the development of mathematical models for compressible viscoelastic fluids are described using methodology and examples, that are sometimes conflicting, from the literature. The modelling of compressibility introduces two additional issues that need to be addressed over those that are required for incompressible fluids. The first issue is concerned with the role of variable density in the derivation of viscoelastic constitutive equations. The second, and perhaps more controversial issue, is concerned with the definition of pressure in a compressible setting, where it is seen to be dependent on bulk viscosity. A heuristic derivation of a compressible version of the Upper Convected Maxwell (UCM) model, starting from first principles in elasticity continuum mechanics, is presented, which suggests a dependence between dynamic viscosity and bulk viscosity, thereby addressing both issues.