Transient operation of a co-current heat exchanger is analyzed in this paper, using a new predictive formulation for laminar and turbulent flows with mass discharge from the heat exchanger. The model includes time-varying mass discharge due to pressure regulated gas outflow. The temperature variations of the working fluid, heating fluid and the wall are predicted and validated against past data. It is found that the temperature of the working fluid rises sharply to a peak and then gradually decreases over time, due to mass discharge effects. The wall temperature decreases exponentially, and the temperature of the heating fluid falls sharply, and then gradually decreases. A benchmark case of a step change in the mass flow rate of the incoming fluid is analyzed and compared against past data for validation, after which results are presented and discussed for transient step changes of the incoming mass flow rate.
List of symbolsA Heat transfer area (m 2 ) C p Specific heat (kJ/kg K) f, g Functions h Heat transfer coefficient (W/m 2 K) L Length of the heat exchanger (m) m Mass (kg) m Á Mass flow rate (kg/s) N Dimensionless parameter NTU Number of transfer units Nu Nusselt number P Pressure (kPa) Pe Perimeter (m) Pr Prandtl number Re Reynolds number T Temperature (°C or K) t Time (s) t cycle Total time of the heat exchanger operation (s) x Length of a heat exchanger section (m)Greek symbols c Ratio of final and initial mass flow rates q Density (kg/m 3 ) D Difference k 1,2 Roots of characteristic equations eHeat exchanger effectiveness Superscripts * Dimensionless form 0Initial condition at t = t 0 ? Condition at t = t ?