First of all I would like to thank my main supervisor, Prof. Bjørn Anders Pettersson Reif for his guidance and support throughout my Ph.D. studies. His insight and intuition for flow physics is exceptional, and we have had countless interesting discussions over the last years. He always manages to keep focus on the important questions, and this ability has shaped this thesis. I would also like to thank my other supervisors Magnus Vartdal and Marianne Gjestvold Omang. There is never a problem too difficult for Magnus, which is always inspiring for everyone around him. His involvement in the details in the studies within this thesis has been invaluable. Marianne has also provided valuable advice throughout these years. My period at the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency was very enjoyable and taught me a lot. During these years I have been fortunate to be allowed to work with the fluid dynamics group at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. Special thanks to Espen Åkervik, who I have shared an office with and can always ask for advice. I would also like to thank