such as negative refraction, invisibility, artificial magnetism, and light manipulation over thin surfaces. [2][3][4][5][6][7][8] Because of the capacity to create nanostructures in virtually unlimited forms and with high precision, the design space of all conceivable geometrical configurations for a given volume is vast, possibly spanning thousands to millions of optimization variables. Design methods that involve large-scale simulations, either via brute-force parametric sweeps or using more advanced inverse-design and optimization algorithms, are the typical approach to arrive at components with superior performance. There is no doubt that this approach is successful in achieving efficient designs; [9][10][11][12][13] however, it suffers from a fundamental weakness: no matter how many simulations are performed, there is typically no guarantee that a globally maximal/minimal solution could be identified. If a structure's performance metrics are already close to the optimal solution, significant computing work could be wasted for the sake of finding a better design with no noticeable enhancement.In this context, the question of how to determine a fundamental bound on a certain physical response in a specific volume (such as absorption, scattering, reflection, etc.), no matter how finely structured the system is, has become critically important both from a scientific and a practical perspective. To obtain universal bounds on optical response, these questions should be approached from a fundamental perspective, by examining basic physics constraints like energy conservation, causality, passivity, and symmetries, which govern the totality of electromagnetic interactions. Several fundamental bounds have already been identified in the literature, such as bounds on the scattering cross section, absorption, near-field radiative heat transfer, antenna performance, the local density of states, the refractive index, and other physical responses. [14][15][16][17][18][19][20] In a design approach informed by fundamental bounds, inversedesign methods can then be used to determine an actual feasible design as close as possible to the global optimum.A particularly significant optical function that has only received marginal attention in this context is the ability to optimally control the reflected field in terms of magnitude, phase, direction, and polarization, which is important for a plethora of Light reflection plays a crucial role in a number of modern technologies. In this paper, analytical expressions for maximal reflected power in any direction and for any polarization are given for generic planar structures made of a single material represented by a complex scalar susceptibility. The problem of optimal light-matter interactions to maximize reflection is formulated as the solution of an optimization problem in terms of the induced currents, subject to energy conservation and passivity, which admits a global upper bound by using Lagrangian duality. The derived upper bounds apply to a broad range of planar structures, in...