This article belongs to a series of publications on the design and assessment of the MULDICON UCAV configuration. MULDICON is a 53° swept flying wing combat aircraft concept, investigated in a common effort between the DLR research project Mephisto and the NATO STO Research Task Group AVT-251. This article focuses on the development of the overall concept starting from its predecessor, the SACCON configuration, and the requirements which had been defined for the MULDICON design task. A second focus is placed on the investigation of the vortex-dominated flow topology arising around such a configuration and its sensitivity to specific geometric changes. Furthermore, the article briefly introduces the DLR conceptual aircraft design system and the extensions which have been developed for improving its capabilities for UCAV assessment. Finally, an industrial view on the MULDICON design task is provided, as well as a conclusion of the Mephisto results and an outlook upon further work.