SUMMARYWe discuss in this paper the validation of an open source framework for the solution of problems arising in hemodynamics. The proposed framework is assessed through experimental data for fluid flow in an idealized medical device with rigid boundaries and a numerical benchmark for flow in compliant vessels. The core of the framework is an open source parallel finite element library that features several algorithms to solve both fluid and fluid-structure interaction problems. The numerical results for the flow in the idealized medical device (consisting of a conical convergent, a narrow throat, and a sudden expansion) are in good quantitative agreement with the measured axial components of the velocity and pressures for three different flow rates corresponding to laminar, transitional, and turbulent regimes. We emphasize the crucial role played by the accuracy in performing numerical integration, mesh, and time step to match the measurements. The numerical fluid-structure interaction benchmark deals with the propagation of a pressure wave in a fluid-filled elastic tube. The computed pressure wave speed and frequency of oscillations, and the axial velocity of the fluid on the tube axis are close to the values predicted by the analytical solution associated with the benchmark. A detailed account of the methods used for both benchmarks is provided.