The advancing field of nanoscience has produced lower mass, smaller size, and expanded chemical composition nanoparticles over recent years. These new nanoparticles have challenged traditional analytical methods of qualification and quantification. Such advancements in nanoparticles and nanomaterials have captured the attention of toxicologists with concerns regarding the environment and human health impacts. Given that nanoparticles are only limited by size (1–100 nm), their chemical and physical characteristics can drastically change and thus alter their overall nanotoxicity in unpredictable ways. A significant limitation to the development of nanomaterials is that traditional regulatory and scientific methods used to assess the biological and environmental toxicity of chemicals do not generally apply to the assessment of nanomaterials. Significant research effort has been initiated, but much more is still needed to develop new and improved analytical measurement methods for detecting and quantitating nanomaterials in biological and environmental systems.