Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) consist of short repeat motifs of 1-6 nucleotides and are found in DNA sequences.The present study was conducted to detect SSRs in chloroplast genome of Tetraphis pellucida (Accession number: NC_024291), downloaded from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The sequence was mined with the help of MISA, a Perl script, to detect SSRs. The length of SSRs defined as ≥12 for mono, di, tri and tetranucleotide, ≥15 for pentanucleotide and ≥18 for hexanucleotide repeats. In total, 41 perfect microsatellites were identified in 127.489 kb sequence mined. An average length of 13.56 bp was calculated for mined SSRs with a density of 1 SSR/3.04 kb. Depending on the repeat units, the length of SSRs ranged from 12 to 20 nt. Dinucleotides (14, 34.15%) were the most frequent repeat type, followed by tetranucleotides (10, 24.39%), trinucleotides (7, 17.07%), mononucleotides (6, 14.63%) and pentanucleotide (4, 9.76%) repeats. Hexanucleotide repeats were completely absent in chloroplast genome of Tetraphis pellucida. The mined SSRs can be used to develop molecular markers and genetic diversity studies in Tetraphis species.