Many phenomena of interest in physiology and biochemistry are characterized by reactions among several chemical species and diffusion in various mediums (see [4][5][6][7]). In a closed system, both reactions and diffusion are governed by a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs)ẏwhich guarantees conservation of the total amount of y(t) for any t ≥ 0. Since we are concerned with the steady-state solution as well as the transient in simulations of very large systems of chemical reactions or molecular dynamics, we need to take the overall computational cost into consideration. Many physiologists and biochemists prefer explicit methods to implicit methods since implementation of the explicit methods is easier than the others. The popular methods for reaction systems are simple explicit schemes such as Euler's method, Runge-Kutta method, etc. However, it is well-known that conditional stability, the typical weak point of explicit methods, is very fatal for stiff problems. In the past few decades, many studies on numerical methods for stiff ODEs have been done in various aspects (see [1][2][3]).The aim of this talk is to present two absolutely stable explicit schemes which are applicable to a general reaction system (1). The proposed methods are motivated by the simple exact solver for a reversible reaction. In spite of their explicitness, we have unconditional stability, that is, stability without any condition on the step size. Furthermore, we proved the convergence of the proposed methods; one is of first order and the other is of second order.