We alert the reader here to an apparent vulnerability in recent adaptive antenna processing that claims increased cPs jammer resistance via use of lucrative new approaches to adaptive beamforming and/or null-steering hut, unfortunately, presumes only simplistic unsophisticated wideband barrage WGN jammers as threats. When jammers are less cooperative by being statistically non-stationary (e.g., by exhibiting time-varying means or biases, by beiiig synchronized blmkmg jammer pairs, or by varying the total power output with time), then statistics on the jammers can apparently no longer be successfully extracted from the time-averages (even in post-processing mode using long blocks of I(CCiVe(I data that was saved) because ergodicity of the underlying intermediate covariance estimate is lost. This unpleasant situation arises or exists for abstracted, idealized STAP or SLC algorithms making use of the, by now, iamiliar fundaixiental STAP-related equation: R where this necessary intermediate covariance estimate R = R1 + '2 + 113 has the three indicated constituent components due to thermal/environmental noise, clutter, arid jammers, resJ)ectively. Without an ability to accurately estimate R3 , the appropriate jammer nullings apparently can no longer be activated successfully. Such systems susceptil)le to jamming can be revealed by in-situ tests with simple equipmeiit. rfopics herein include updates to PRN generation, updates to statistical tests in general and to CLT in particular and all three updates being new to most engineers.