Discretization of continuous (analog) convolution operators by direct sampling of the convolution kernel and use of fast Fourier transforms is highly efficient. However, it assumes the input and output signals are band-limited, a condition rarely met in practice, where signals have finite support or abrupt edges and sampling is nonideal. Here, we propose to approximate signals in analog, shift-invariant function spaces, which do not need to be band-limited, resulting in discrete coefficients for which we derive discrete convolution kernels that accurately model the analog convolution operator while taking into account nonideal sampling devices (such as finite fill-factor cameras). This approach retains the efficiency of direct sampling but not its limiting assumption. We propose fast forward and inverse algorithms that handle finite-length, periodic, and mirror-symmetric signals with rational sampling rates. We provide explicit convolution kernels for computing coherent wave propagation in the context of digital holography. When compared to band-limited methods in simulations, our method leads to fewer reconstruction artifacts when signals have sharp edges or when using nonideal sampling devices.