Unclassified 15«. DECLASSIFI CATION/DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abatract entered In Block 20, It different from Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse alda If neceaaary and Identify by block numbed Projectile aerodynamics Supersonic flow Finite difference computations 20, ABSTRACT fCoirtfiiiw ao rmraram sfoto If nccMMty and Identify by block number) Three dimensional finite-difference flow field computation techniques have been employed to generate a parametric aerodynamic study at supersonic speeds. Computations for viscous turbulent and inviscid flow have been performed for cone-cylinder, secant-ogive-cylinder, and tangent-ogive-cylinder bodies for a Mach number range of 1.75 < M < 5. The aerodynamic coefficients computed are pitching moment, normal force, center of pressure, Magnus moment, Magnus force, Magnus center of pressure, form drag, viscous drag, roll damping and pitch damping. All aerodynamic coefficients are computed in a DD/^1473 EDFTION OF » MOV 65 IS OBSOLETE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEfHTian Data Bnland) 20. ABSTRACT (Continued) conceptually exact manner. The only empirical input is that required for turbulence modeling. Computed results are compared to experimental data fron free flight aerodynamic ranges and wind tunnels in order to validate the computational techniques. Parametric comparisons illustrate the effects of body configuration and Mach number for the ten aerodynamic coefficients. The results for Magnus and pitch damping are of particular interest.