“…The massa intermedia, which is absent in only 17% of the general population [12], is typically enlarged in children with a myelomeningocele and Chiari II malfor mation 118-20], This finding, in addition to an eccentric bulge from the head of the caudate nucleus [21], promi nent commissural fibers extending across the anterior third ventricle [22], and anterior pointing of the frontal horns [22,23], results in an abnormally distorted and nar rowed foramen of Monro [24], Following shunt placement in children with a myelo meningocele, it has been noted that unilateral dilation of the contralateral, nonshunted ventricle may occur [2,3,25], Hubballah and Hoffman [26[, Babcock and Han 111 and Oi and Matsumoto [25] have postulated that a func tional obstruction takes place following ventricular drain age at the level of the ipsilateral foramen of Monro. An additional factor contributing to the isolated ventricles, namely the use of low pressure shunts, was also men tioned [ 14,25,26], After reviewing the MRI scans on our patients we noted that the dimensions of the foramen of Monro were greatly distorted giving the appearance of 'foraminal torsion', yet this was difficult to visualize in static, multiplanar images.…”