Contactless measuring techniques are becoming increasingly important for industrial applications . The use of a laser, solid-state detector arrays and powerful small computers leads to a very efficient fringe analysis in holography as well as in Moire and speckle techniques . Due to the computer analysis, much more information can be extracted from interferograms, leading to higher sensitivities and accuracies . The application of different fringe analysis procedures is discussed, together with some potentials of the application of interferometry, holography, and speckle and Moire techniques .
. IntroductionInterferometry, holography, speckle and Moire techniques are becoming useful tools for precision measurements in research and for industrial applications . Computer analysis is increasingly important for fringe analysis . The use of solid-state detector arrays . image memory boards together with microprocessors and computers for the extraction of the information from the interferograms and high-resolution graphic hoards finds important application in optical metrology . Much more information can he extracted from the interferograms, leading to higher sensitivities and accuracies .Fringe analysis procedures including fringe peak detection and fringe order determination are tedious and time-consuming . Automatic fringe analysis and precision phase measuring techniques are very important in applying interferometric techniques . Automatic quantitative evaluation of interferograms requires accurate interference phase measurements . independent of fringe position and intensity variations superposed onto the interferograms . In many interferometric arrangements . phase shifting or heterodyne techniques have been introduced for automatic fringe analysis .In the phase shifting technique or quasi-heterodyne technique the relative phase is changed continuously or stepwise, using at least three phase shifts of 90° or 120°, for instance . The phase of the interference patterns can then he computed from the different measured intensity values . The phase shifting technique is very appropriate for digital processing and TV techniques . Interferometry and two-reference-beam holography together with video electronic processing lead to a sensitivity of 1 100 of a fringe at any point of the fringe pattern in the TV image . In heterodyne methods the relative phase increases linearly