Digital Human Models (DHMs) are fast becoming an effective tool for performing proactive ergonomics analysis and design. DHM software, such as Jack, SAFEWORK, RAMSIS, SAMMIE, and the UM 3DSSP, are meant to assist a designer early in a product development process, when he or she is attempting to improve the physical design of vehicle interiors and manufacturing workplaces. To become even more effective in meeting such a goal, it is proposed that future DHMs must include valid posture and motion prediction models for various populations. It is argued in this article that existing posture and motion prediction models now used in DHMs must be based on real motion data to assure validity for complex dynamic task simulations. It is further proposed that if valid human posture and motion prediction models are developed, these can be combined with psychophysical and biomechanical models to provide a very powerful tool for predicting dynamic human performance and population specific limitations.