%675$&7The role of the assist gas blown by a nozzle during the laser cutting process of ceramics is very important as a complex flow field is created by the interaction with the material. Flow visualization provides valuable information related with the properties and characteristics of the process in order to clear up misconceptions and as a first step towards the nozzle optimization. Optical methods as Schlieren or interferometry are suitable techniques for this task as well-known nonintrusive full-field methods utilized for analysing fast transient flow phenomena. In this work a Mach-Zehnder interferometer is employed in order to characterize a Laval nozzle by studying the shock wave patterns in a free gas jet as a previous step in order to study the complex interaction of the gas flow against a transparent model of the processed material. The optical phase is extracted from the obtained high-frequency fringe pattern by the Fourier Transform Phase-Difference Method. Disturbing effects are cancelled by proper combination of high-frequency fringe patterns obtained with and without gas flow. The shock wave pattern is analyzed for different geometrical configurations and operating pressures..H\ZRUGV Shock wave, Mach-Zehnder interferometry, gas flow, Fourier Transform Method.,1752'8&7,21During the laser cutting process of ceramics the role of the assist gas is very important since the flow energy is related to the cutting velocity and quality cut kerf 1-2 . At the same time, energy efficient processes are directly related to the removal of the molten material due to friction and to the pressure gradient of the gas flow. These processes can be carried out by means of a Laval nozzle, perhaps the most important and essential engineering hardware tool related with propulsion of high speed flow of gasses. A Laval nozzle has a properly contoured wall of convergent-divergent configuration in order to achieve a uniform supersonic flow at its exit 3 . If the incoming pressure is suitable, the flow in the throat nozzle became choked and a uniformly supersonic jet is obtained. These ideal theoretical conditions can be relaxed if small amplitude shock waves are present in the jet. The laser cutting process would be more energy efficient if these optimal work conditions are obtained.Although sophisticated numerical methods are available in order to study flows and software capable of simulating an ample variety of fluid flows are accessible 4 , real measurements are necessary in order to increase the knowledge of the physical process, to optimize particular industrial practices and to validate design proposals. In particular, valuable qualitative information can be obtained by flow visualization as the unsteady three-dimensional flow fields need a visual display of experimental as well as theoretical results. Among other techniques, whole-field non-invasive optical techniques are the most important non-intrusive techniques in fluid mechanics as they offer bidimensional quantitative visualization of the refraction index field in...