Reverse engineering, the process of obtaining a geometric CAD model from measurements obtained by scanning an existing physical model, is widely used in numerous applications, such as manufacturing, industrial design and jewellery design and reproduction. For creating editable CAD models meant for manufacturing we identify that it is more appropriate to use feature-based constraint-based representations, since they capture plausible design intent. We propose this type of model representation for reverse engineering 3D point clouds of jewellery objects. In this paper we propose an approach for reverse engineering of jewellery combining skeleton construction, feature and constraint information exploitation to obtain a more robust and accurate CAD model. First we automatically construct the skeleton of the point cloud. Constraints are automatically detected based on the skeleton and then an iterative interactive process is carried out, during which features are fitted to the point cloud according to constraints. A voxel inspired technique is also employed to describe repeated patterns common to various types of traditional jewellery.