SynopsisAn algorithm has been developed that permits one to find all possible conformations of the sugar-phosphate backbone for any given disposition of DNA base pairs. For each of the conformations thus obtained, the energy of the helix was calculated by the method of atomatom potentials. Several isolated regions in the space of the bases' parameters (Arnott's parameters) have been found for energetically favorable helical structures. Two parameters, the distance of a base pair from the helix axis, D , and the winding angle, 7, allow one to subdivide possible conformations into the families of closely related forms. Two regions (ravines) on the ( D , 7) map correspond to the known K and B families. In the B family a continuous transition has been obtained in which the double helix undergoes increasing winding, while the base pairs are moving toward the major (nonglycosidic) groove.Interrelationships between the variables, characterizing the spatial structure of the double helix, D, 7, TL, and x, when going along the bottom of the B ravine, were also obtained. Besides the known K and families, several new ones were found to be energetically possible. Among these the strongly underwound helices with the negative D values, as well as the forms with the C4-C5 angle in a trans position, should be mentioned. Biological roles of the different double-stranded conformations, in particular, in proteinnucleic acid interaction are discussed.