Some of the students develop negative attitudes towards mathematics because they think that mathematics include some topics which are difficult to understand. This study compares the attitudes of three group of students in 9th grade students towards mathematics in which one group use learning objects in classroom activities, one group in extracurricular activities and one group did not use the objects. Totally 76 (n1=24, n=26, n3=26) students participated to the study. Since the study was carried out as a quasiexperimental design, an attitude scale for mathematics was used as pretest and posttest and interviews were conducted inorder to discuss the attitudes in detail. In this regard, interviews were administered with four students from each two groups in which the learning objects were used. As a result, no significant difference in attitudes scores were noticed among groups used learning objects in different ways and the groups did not used learning object. Also, only a significant difference is determined between pretest and post attitude scores in the group in which learning objects were used in classroom activities. In attitudes towards mathematics, interest and features of the objects were the themas which come front. The results of the study suggest that learning objects may be used in classroom activities and also in extracurricular mathematics activities but do not provide a significant development in attitudes for students.