Abstract--The Mg-vermiculite from Santa Olalla has been treated with aliphatic amides--formamide (FM), acetamide (AM) and propionamide (PM)--in aqueous solution. These treatments produce the transformation towards NH4-vermiculite and interstratified NH:vermiculite-Mg-vermiculite phases. The NH 4-vermiculite, Mg-vermiculite and interstratified (mixed-layer)~phases have been identifed from basal X-ray diffraction (XRD) interval peaks between 10,3 _~ and 14,4 A, and confirmed by direct Fourier transform method, as well as by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), infrared (IR) spectroscopy and thermal analysis.According to their NH:vermiculite/Mg-vermiculite probability coefficients ratio (Pa/PB), and PAA, these interstratified phases can be divided into 3 categories: 1) If the Pa/Pn ratio is --> 7/3 and PAA ~" 0,7, there are interstratified phases with a strong tendency toward segregation (case of FM, AM and PM). Experimental evidence reported in the present work indicates that the mechanism of interaction of Mg-vermiculite with FM, AM and PM in an aqueous medium takes place by ion exchange of NH 4 between the layers. The hydrolysis of these aliphatic amides leads to the liberation of NHa + into the medium. It has been found that the NH4 § sorption depends on the physico-chemical characteristics of the particular aliphatic amide, and the transformation of Mg-vermiculite to interstratified and/or NH4-vermiculite phases depends on the amide concentration. These treatments allow one to control the formation of interstratified and NH4-vermiculite phases.