This paper presents a unified approach for obtaining system reliability and availability parameters from block diagram representations of process systems. It starts with computer algorithms for obtaining the minimal paths in a system, then shows how this information can be combined with unit reliability data to obtain the overall system reliability, and the response of system reliability to changes in unit reliability (sensitivities). It then demonstrates how these sensitivities can be used to optimize the system reliability and availability by equipment redundancy. Extension of the methodology to the automated production of system fault trees as well as the mathematical relationship between fault trees and block diagrams are noted.
SCOPEThe trend to larger, more complex, and highly interdependent process systems has been in evidence for some time. With increasing scale, repair becomes more costly in both time and money, startup and shutdown losses increase, and the vulnerability of the plant becomes a matter of grave concern. Further factors spurring the process industries' interest in reliability analysis are the high cost of maintenance, which now is as much as 10% of plant cost/annum, and the problems associated with insurance, siting, environmental degradation due to failures, and the establishment of a good public image.In this paper we focus attention on analytical methods whereby system reliability parameters can be obtained from block-diagrammatic representation of process flow sheets. Although other techniques, such as state enumeration methods are treated, primary emphasis is on the development of path enumeration methods by which the reliability parameters of complex (nonseries-parallel) systems can be computed. As demonstrated in the paper, this approach is particularly powerful because it also permits calculation of the sensitivity of the overall system reliability to changes in configuration and unit reliability. These sensitivities, being gradients, are then used in conjunction with integer, gradient-based, optimization algorithms to solve problems involving allocation of equipment and maintenance intervals.Also discussed are the construction of fault trees and some potentially useful algorithms for their automated construction from block diagrams.
CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCEThe increasing interest of the chemical industry in reliability analysis is clearly demonstrated by the fact that only three articles on this subject appeared in the chemical engineering literature prior to 1971, and more than 16 have been published since. To date, the process industry has depended almost completely on computational methods developed by the military, electronic, aerospace, and nuclear industries where primary concern is catastrophic failure of essentially nonrepairable systems.In attempting to apply previously developed methods to process systems, one finds that they do not readily lend themselves to many of the problems of interest to chemical engineers who generally must deal with multicomponent stre...